Game GuidesThe Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Guides

Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Special Edition Fast Leveling Guide

The Elder Scrolls V Fast Leveling Guide
Want to know how to level fast in Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim? Use this Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Fast Leveling Guide to help get your overall level way up, really quickly. Included are ways of leveling each individual skill as quickly as possible.

Using the following techniques will allow you to increase your overall level very quickly, this guide is also useful if you wish to level an individual skill up quickly. Make sure to get the blessing from the appropriate Star-Sign stone before attempting to level any one specific skill, the +20% experience bonus is priceless. Check out our Stone Guide to find the best buffs for the best activities. You can also check our Trainer Guide if you want the really easy route.

Skyrim Fast Leveling Guide – How To Level Combat Skills Fast

Elder Scrolls V Skyrim How To Level Combat Skills Fast

Easy Combat Skills
** Slight Dark Brotherhood spoiler**
After you have got Shadowmere from quest-line you can back him up to a wall and continuously beat him with your weapon. I like to use a plain iron weapon for this to not do to much damage. Shadowmere has allot of hp and an insane hp regen rate so you can pound him without caution. He will not attack back and you can ride him after the beating. Leveled my one hand last night about 50 points in an hour.

How to level Block Fast
For Block try and find a wolf on its own, if you follow the path from Riverwood towards Bleak Falls Barrow you will come to a bend in the path with a hollowed tree, position yourself in the tree facing out with shield raised and allow the wolf (also found there) to attack you (they attack very quickly which is better for leveling)the tree will stop the wolf circling you and avoiding your shield. You may need to heal a little between bouts but once you reach level 30ish in block the wolf wont be able to do further damage. Feel free to tape down your block button and go make coffee.

How To Level Archery Fast
Archery goes up pretty easy by itself, but if you obtain the Dragon Shout “Aura Whisper”, you can see where any wild enemy is within a certain distance. Put your sneak on, and arrow those enemies. They might not see you within the first hit or two, so you may be able to kill them without being noticed, effectively leveling up sneak and bow.

Skyrim Fast Leveling Guide – How To Level Crafting Skills Fast

Elder Scrolls V Skyrim How To Level Crafting Skills Fast

How to Level Enchantment Fast
Use your iron daggers from smithing-leveling for enchanting-leveling! It’s just hard to get the soul gems… the fastest way I discovered was checking all the traders (for lesser/petty) in Winterhold College, sleep 24/48h and do it again and a good way to get soul gems is to give your companion all your low level gems common, lesser and petty. Then give them a weapon with soul trap they will do the work for you hope this helps

How to level Smithing Fast
The quickest way to level Smithing is to create Iron Daggers. Using the Blacksmith Whiterun, purchase Iron Ingots from her, and buy the leather too. You can then use these materials to create Iron Daggers over and over, sell them back to her and then rest 24 hours to repeat the same process. This can be expensive but Gold is easy to come by in Skyrim. You can also use this method to make easy gold, check out our Guide

Skyrim Fast Leveling Guide – How To Level Magic Skills Fast

Elder Scrolls V Skyrim How To Level Magic Skills Fast

Level Any Mage Skill Quickly
Enchant a necklace/ring/armor/helmet so that the spells will require 0 magicka and you can just continually cast any spell that you have the magicka for. Takes 30-40 minutes to get to 100 in most magic skills.

Easy Conjuration
Get any bound weapon spell from any wizard who sells spells. Then get yourself some magicka regen items and find an enemy. Then just glitch the enemy somewhere or stand where he cant hit you and keep resummoning your bound weapon. 1-100 in less then 30 mins.

How to Level Illusion Fast
This is one of the easiest skills to level, all you need is a calm spell. These can be purchased from most magical vendors. Find an NPC, preferably in a small room or one that doesn’t move much, I used someone sitting on a Throne. Keep casting it on the NPC, rest for one hour when it gets low and repeat over and over again. This is free, easy and a great way to increase your overall level. Another method of leveling Illusion is to get the Muffle spell, it is available to purchase in whiterun from the court wizard. Muffle is a self-cast that only takes 2-3 casts per level while your Illusion skill is below 50, and can take you up to lvl 100. Can be cast repeatedly while out adventuring. Thanks to Guest Hero SkyrimNoob

Buy or obtain and equip courage a novice level spell. equip it to both hands and cast it repeatedly on any npc it does no damage so they wont really care. it will take about 40 min to get to 100. Thanks to Guest Hero Dante

How to Level Restoration and Alteration Fast
So I know how to get restoration and alteration up fairly easy. Just drain health for mana using Equilibrium and heal using Heal. Gets easier as you gain levels due to skill perks and adding gear.

Skyrim Fast Leveling Guide – How To Level Thief Skills Fast

Elder Scrolls V Skyrim How To Level Thief Skills Fast

How to level Pickpocketing Fast

Console Only
When pick pocketing and stealing arrows,they stay in the NPCs inventory as long as you don’t leave that screen, allowing you to repeatedly steal the same arrows from them.  Also, if you use the trigger button to “equip” the item straight out of their inventory, they are less likely to catch you then if you just press x.  Find a guard, steal his arrows till you gain a couple of levels and then save the progress and pickpocket him again, this time I add the arrows back into his inventory and begin stealing them again.  The more arrows you steal at a time the more XP gained, so just add more arrows as you get a higher skill level.  Every now and then he will catch you, just reload.  Another benefit of the glitch being with arrows: the don’t weigh anything.  The heavier an item is the harder it is to steal, and you gain more experience for stealing larger numbers of things.  So you can drop 50+ arrows into his inventory and gain a level every 1 to 2 presses of the button up to skill level 50.

If you can find a Skill Trainer that can become your companion, you can pay for skill to be leveled and then pickpocket the money back from your companion. You can do this without pickpocketing, simply by trading with them. But this is an easy way to level up your Pickpocketing skill. Find a dark area and ask your companion to wait, then go from there. To find Trainers that can also be companions, check our Trainer Guide


How to Level Sneak Fast
You can check our other Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim How To Level Sneak Fast Guide

Go to High Hrothgar where the Grey Beards are. turn the difficulty up and hit the greybeards in the back while hidden. in the early levels you will get ONE LEVEL PER HIT!!!! the later ones take as much as six you can get to 100 in ten minutes. Using the Thief Stone and Marriage buff can make this even faster.

Sneak, go to Falkreath and run to the Jarls house, there are two guards stationed outside the door, pick the one on the right of the door and hide behind him in the corner with the bits of wood, enter sneak mode and wrap your controller cable around the pad so you are stuck backwards walking. Go and do something else for a few hours. You can probably do this in lots of places, but i know this location works well because the guard is extra vigilant in his guarding duties and doesn’t wander off in search of Skooma.

How To Level Lockpicking Fast
For quick lock picking do the thieves guild quest line until you get the skeleton lockpick(unbreakable). Don’t do the quest, go find a locked chest, put the pick in a position where you know it won’t unlock and hold the joystick to attempt to unlock while your lockpick gains.

Skyrim Fast Leveling Guide – How To Level other Skills Faster

Elder Scrolls V Skyrim - How To Level Other Skills Faster

How to level Speechcraft Fast
To get speech to 100 in about 40 mins max, travel to Riften and go to black-briar meadery, once inside speak to Ungrien and ask him “tell me about maven black-briar” then choose “come on, get the truth off your chest” (persuade) you can then simply keep tapping A until you reach level 100! You need a minimum of level 25 for the persuade to work if you want to use this technique. If you don’t have level 25 yet you have to pay him the 21 gold. You can pickpocket it from him straight after so it’s still a great technique to level to 100 Speechcraft.

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Blaine Smith

Blaine Smith, or Smith as he prefers to be called as he doesn't have to repeat it four times before people get it, is one of the original founders of Gamers Heroes. Smith has been playing games for over 30 years, from Rex & 180 on ZX Spectrum to the latest releases on the ninth generation of consoles. RPG's are his go-to genre, with the likes of Final Fantasy, Legend of Legaia, and Elder Scrolls being among his favorites, but he'll play almost anything once (except Dark Souls). You can best reach him on Twitter


  1. For Illusion it’s easier to get the Muffle spell, I believe it’s available in whiterun from the court wizard. Muffle is a self-cast that only takes 2-3 casts per level while your Illusion skill is below 50, and can take you up to lvl 100. Can be cast repeatedly while out adventuring. Please find a speech leveling method! >.<

    1. I found casting Courage on Lydia to raise Illusion quite quickly. It only costs 14 to cast so you can cast heaps of times before needing to fill magic bar again.

    1. I went to the trader in riverwood and tried to attack him to level up my 2h and ended up killing him with one blow, took his head off and everything.

      This is after I completed the Golden claw mission for him though.

    2. with the whole riverwood trader attacking, wouldnt he just summon guards if i take my bow and shoot him in the face?

  2. I attacked the riverwood trader because theres this glitch and he can’t die. I leveled up pretty quick until his sister came in and attacked me. I ran out the house and the whole town wanted to kill me. How do i stop them from attacking me?? also how do I keep his sister away? If I kill her does the storyline break and will i be unable to complete the game?

  3. Easy conjuration, get any bound weapon spell from any wizard who sells spells. Then get yourself some magicka regen items and find an enemy. Then just glitch the enemy somewhere or stand where he cant hit you and keep resummoning your bound weapon. 1-100 in less then 30 mins.

    1. Similarly, summon a familiar, whack it 4 times with a bound sword to make it become aggressive, then summon and re-summon bound sword. Then kill it when out of mana to allow magicka to recharge.

      1. Conjuration is actually easier than that. Just kill any creature (not sure if it works with humans, haven’t tried) then repeatedly cast soul trap on the dead body.

    2. there is this one quest at the mage college where u have to clean the fountain that give u an active effect that grant u incredible mana regeneration rate

  4. So I know how to get restoration and alteration up fairly easy. Just drain health for mana using Equilibrium and heal using Heal. Gets easier as you gain levels due to skill perks and adding gear.

  5. sneak lv up fast get a little bit away from a group of mobs try to make it so they cant see u but u can see them there is a good spot east of solitude where there are 3 wallris thingys hide on the island near them then crouch and shoot at them they should look around but give up in 10 to 15 secs but in the time u wait ur sneak goes up.

    also bring alot od arrows

  6. Okay, Sando’s got it all wrong. It’s so much easier to use the ol’ rubberband method. Find an NPC who doesn’t move, crouch, and then start walking into a wall (using a rubber band to keep the joystick forward). Your sneak skill will rapidly upgrade. Note: until you’re about level 26 most NPC’s will still notice you sneaking when you’re behind them, so stay slightly far away, but once you’ve leveled your sneak a bit, I found that the perfect spot to continuously level sneak was at the Riverwood Trader in … Riverwood. Go behind the merchant, crouch, and start walking into the corner. It’ll take a few hours to master sneak, so just use the rubber band method. Remember to check periodically that your controller doesn’t go to sleep, cuz if it does it’ll pause the game. There you have it, sneak skill with virtually no effort.

    1. Why wait till you get to riverwood? During the escape from Helgen, there is a bear in a cave. Sneak across the bridge, and just make char sneak-walk into the wall of rocks across the bridge… If you don’t approach the bear, he won’t attack, sometimes snarl and turn around… But neak levels quickly and you have it done before you ever get to Riverwood. And because the guys your escaping with can’t be killed… you can abuse them too. Good for one handed attacks from behind, or burning them with flames for destruction. Just not too fast or too much at once, they heal right back up and yell at you a lot, but never attack you.
      Alas, pick pocketing those NPC’s is not allowed.. 🙁

  7. For Block try and find a wolf on its own, if you follow the path from Riverwood towards Bleak Falls Barrow you will come to a bend in the path with a hollowed tree, position yourself in the tree facing out with shield raised and allow the wolf (also found there) to attack you (they attack very quickly which is better for leveling)the tree will stop the wolf circling you and avoiding your shield. You may need to heal a little between bouts but once you reach level 30ish in block the wolf wont be able to do further damage. Feel free to tape down your block button and go make coffee.

    Sneak, go to Falkreath and run to the Jarls house, there are two guards stationed outside the door, pick the one on the right of the door and hide behing him in the corner with the bits of wood, enter sneak mode and wrap your controller cable around the pad so you are stuck backwards walking. Go and do something else for a few hours. You can probably do this in lots of places, but i know this location works well because the guard is extra vigilent in his guarding duties and doesnt wander off in search of skooma.

    1. I’ve added it and the block, thanks for your feedback. I’ve got my Alchemy up naturally so far, haven’t really paid attention to ingredients. Will let you know if there’s an easy spot to farm mats.

  8. Enchanting (by smithing)
    Use your iron daggers from smithing-leveling for enchanting-leveling! It’s just hard to get the soul gems… the fastest way I discovered was checking all the traders (for lesser/petty) in Wintershold College, sleep 24/48h and do it again 😉

    btw the IRON daggers are worth 200-600 depending on perks and soul gems if you use ABSORB LIFE so you’ll get more than your money back.

    took me some time in complete but i got my money for iron ingots and soul gems back and have now an legendary dragon armor with two enchantments on each piece what allows me to CAST DESTRUCTION SPELLS FOR FREE(4x 25% cost reduction^^) and have some extra life, stamina and magic resist.


    1. easy way to fill soul gems
      jut buy empty ones and fill them up as you go, enchant a good weapon with soul trap and just use that. if you enchant the weapon so it traps the soul after 1 or 2 seconds it will have a ton of charges and you wont have to recharge it very often. this way filling them wont get in the way of playing the game either.

      1. Get the best bow you can, enchant with Soul Trap and go hunting elk, deer and fox. You fill petty soul gems really fast, and get leather for smithing!

        This fast levels: Archery, Smithing (make Leather Helmets), and gives you Petty Soul gems for Enchanting fast.

  9. The combat one isn’t true, the trader does attack back and will call for help which if you have a companion normally will help him instead of you and his sister will come running in if she’s nearby which normally brings everyone else in. Best way to attack him is after she offers to show you the way out of the village and leaves the room, but she does return without you looking for her, which barely gets you a couple of levels in the combat you’re using. I don’t call this method reliable.

  10. Regarding the block trick with the wolf; I found that I could back up to a stone wall just as easy as a hollow tree. Also you might want to make sure you have a heavy shield. My light one doesn’t remove all damage even at 41 so far. BTW, a Scrunci works as well as a rubber band too =D

  11. I found a good but time-consuming restoration level up method. (for mage specced or anyone wanting it, but magicka oriented preferable)

    In the dungeon for the Golden Claw quest, there is a trap that is activated by a stepping stone it is a spiked swinging trap, Keep the novice restoration spell in dual cast and step on the stone, avoid standing in the center of the trap because on occasion the trap can 1 hit you, so stay near the edge when you get swiped, healing and reinitiating the process multiple times resting 1h after magicka depletion. An hour you can get 50-60 levels in resto.

  12. if you’ve got enchantment on 80 (for the important perks in it) you can of course also do the 100% cost reduction enchantments for leveling restoration or any other spell-skill.

    this saves you the sleeping to get mana but you need the grand soul gems and any armor (helmet,armor,necklace,ring) for it.

    works of course superior for restoration – tape down dual-wield heal while letting you beat by anything that doesn’t kill you.
    if you wear both heavy and light armor you’ll level this as well without doing anything xD

  13. okay i just realized restoration takes an eternity to level up with the normal heal -even dual wielded and mana cost free- while armor goes up pretty fast.
    if there’s an expert or master heal spell that can be casted with pressed buttons it will probably go faster but i don’t know yet if there is any.
    i ajusted the damage i take by raising or lowering difficulty level so i’dont die but take as much as possible

    1. i’m now using steadfast ward and heal each on one hand…it took 7 minutes to get restoration from 75 to 76.
      checked the internet there is only a master heal spell that can be castet continuosly but thats obviously useless because you need lvl 100 ^^ try better wards, leave your xbox on for some hours or play the game like normal people but don’t blame me for your electricity bill 🙂
      anyways both armor types are already on 100 through this!

      1. So how does the Armor and Restoration building work? Im confused by what you posted not sure what to cast and where to do it any help would be awesome.

        1. Head to Whiterun, the first building on your right has everything you need to Smith, it’s also the building with 2 Smith Stores that can sell you all the iron and leather you need for the Fast Level method. Restoration, purchase Equilibrium, don’t remember exactly where from. You already start with heal. Convert Health to Mana using equilibrium, then restore health with heal. repeat. Hope this helps.

  14. Equilibrium doesn’t make your alteration go up for some reason so that is only helpful for restoration with the heal spell.

  15. To get speech to 100 in about 40 mins max, travel to Riften and go to black-briar meadery, once inside speak to Ungrien and ask him “tell me about maven black-briar” then choose “come on, get the truth off your chest” (persuade) you can then simply keep tapping A until you reach level 100!

    Does anyone know what hakon one eye’s armour is called here is a picture of it;jsessionid=3q8gflp98m6r

      1. Your speech is probably to low a level…

        You need at least 25 speech for this to work, just pay for the first few lvls until you get high enough

    1. hey mike that armor on the kajiit is called nord hero i think. to make it you need to complete the majority of the companions questline (attend the funeral) then use the skyforge. its under deadric.

    2. Ancient nord armor, which you can make after kodlak’s burial in the companions quest line, it will show in the daedric armor section when you smith at the skyforge.

  16. On Smithing:
    Making leather bracers works just as well and you only need 1 1/2 leather per bracer (one leather and two strips). You can buy the hides and lether you need from merchants and/or simply go out and hunt for hides yourself. The cheapest way is to make sure you buy (and steal) any horse and cow hides you find, since they are very cheap, but turn into three and four leather respectively.

  17. For weapons
    ** slight dark brotherhood spoiler**

    After you have got shadowmere from questline you can back him up to a wall and continuously beat him with your weapon. I like to use a plain iron weapon for this to not do to much dmg. Shadowmere has allot of hp and an insane hp regen rate so you can pound him without caution. He will not attack back and you can ride him after the beating. Leveled my one hand last night about 50 pts in an hour.

      1. Like kylar stern from the night angel trilogy damn fine books by the way
        And and a good way to get soul gems is to give ur companion all ur low lvl gems common lesser and petty. Then give them a weapon with soul trap they will do the work for u hope this helps

  18. Easy alteration skill – Buy the spell ‘Stoneflesh’ and go glitch an enemy (So you stay in combat) and keep casting. Uses quite abit of magicka, but the best I’ve found so far.

    1. Fastest way I’ve found to train alteration is telekinesis… Just hold it down, let it recharge, rinse and repeat.

  19. For alteration, the easiest method I’ve found is casting waterbreathing continuously. The catch is that you have to be about knee deep in water for it to have any effect. Edges of lakes work pretty well. I was gaining one level every two or three casts below 50.

  20. the fastest way i found to level sneak is to go to high hrothgar where the grey beards are. turn the difficulty up and hit the greybeards in the back while hidden. in the early levels you will get ONE LEVEL PER HIT!!!! the later ones take as much as six you can get to 100 in ten minutes.

  21. ALCHEMY:

    -Enchant your gear with “Fortify Alchemy”, it will makes your potions more powerful therefore they cost more which yeilds more exp.
    -Once per month or so travel to all the giants and kill them, depending on how many you have found that run may net you a few levels.
    -When you start getting overburdened, you can mass create potions to lower stock. (And possibly another level)
    -Keep in mind some combinations of ingredients make more powerful potions than other combinations. (Make them first)

    1 – Buy All the ingredients at all easily accessable apothecaries.
    2 – Create “Fortify Health” by mixing “Giant Toe” and “Wheat”.
    3 – Create potions that sell for a alot. (D.Mag Reg, D.Sta Reg, Invisibility, Paralysis, Slow, etc.)
    4 – Repeat 1 through 3 until Alchemy is 100.
    2 – Fast travel and kill every giant.

    -Enchant your gear with “Fortify Destruction”, if you never run out of mana its much faster.

    1 – Join Fighters Guild.
    2 – When you are being tested cast a destruction spell. (target will not die)
    3 – Wait for Magika to regen.
    4 – Repeat 2 & 3 until Destruction is 100.

  22. Archery goes up pretty easy by itself, but if you obtain the Dragon Shout “Aura Whisper”, you can see where any wild enemy is within a certain distance. Put your sneak on, and arrow those badies. They might not see you within the first hit or two, so you may be able to kill them without being noticed, effectively leveling up sneak and bow.

  23. Anyone know a good way to make gold?
    Already did the dark brotherhood quests..
    [Major Spoiler]–And used the 20k gold on the new hideout :|, cus you know.. hail sithis.

  24. get any companion that has the ability to level up your skill for a cost
    when you buy it for all your money then pickpocket him to get the money back
    increasing two skills at once

  25. to level illusion quickly buy or obtain and equip courage a novice level spell. equip it to both hands and cast it repeatedly on any npc it does no damage so they wont really care. it will take about 40 min to get to 100

    1. Quickest way to get gold is to smith and enchant iron daggers, this requires that you have maxed out your enchanting skill and it doesn’t hurt to have speech maxed either, like to do this in whiterun, you will need soul gems, the daggers (any weapon will do), and more than weapon applicable enchantments, first find an enchanting table and power it up, select your SG, then select a weapon only enchantment (I like any of the absorbs), then select a non weapon enchantment (I find sneak is most profitable but any will do as long as its not a weapon only enchantment), select the dagger/weapon of choice and enchant. With a grand SG u can net 6-7 per dagger, and if you have all the investment/1000$ bump u can sell for entire price in riverwood to lucius.

  26. I found the destruction levelling at fighters guild was taking too long, but if you attack the guy with an enchanted weapon he still assumes its a magic attack and will let you beat him silly as long as you like. Levelled 2H this way to 50 in around 40 mins.

  27. I’ll add something to this: Vampires
    To become a vampire, there is just one way, you must get hit by a vampire to catch the disease Sanguinare Vampiris
    there are caves that you can go to, but you would need to look at a map for that.
    If you do the dark brotherhood quests, youll eventually come to a part where you have to assassinate two vampires. I recommend putting on your strongest armor, and a healing spell until you get the disease.
    Sleep for 72 hours, and the disease will become vampirism.

    To cure the disease:
    Make your way to Falkreath . Once there, speak to Valga Vinicia at the Dead Man’s Drink and ask about any rumors going around. She will tell you that Falion in Morthal studies vampires. Speak to him and he will tell you that, in order to perform the ritual, a black soul gem must be filled. To get the black soul gem you need to speak to Falion again and he will offer to sell it to you. To fill it, cast a Soul Trap spell on a human target and proceed to kill them.

  28. I thought I would mention how to level block, armor, and restoration pretty quick. Not to much different from level block guide. Find a saber cat, let him attack you till your health is down without blocking, put up your shield and restore till you health is back up. Block till your mana is back up then lower shield and repeat. Note when blocking your armor light or heavy does not level regardless of heavy or light shield. This isn’t as fast at leveling just block by itself but it worked nice for me. Also note you should make shur you activate the warrior stone to get the 20% bonus. I’m level 50. Heavy armor is maxed, and I wanted a little more challenge against humoniods so I’m switching to light armor. I got 10 to 20 levels in each in around half an hour, chilled, listened to some tunes. I assume a wolf and log may be just as usefull.

  29. For leveling archery I’d recommend finding mammoth camp sights with the giants. Giants have high health and mammoths do as well also almost all of these locations have rocks you can jump on to perch saftly and you don’t have to search long for critters. The giants will continuously run in place in front of you if you do it right. You should find a loc.. on your way to your first dragon near whiterun. The pond there also worked to perch in for me. I think you level from hits landed not damage delt so use a crap bow and iron arrows. Also make shur to activate warrior stone first for 20% level bonus.

  30. Another easy way to level combat skills + restoration skill is unlock the Dawnstar sanctuary after completing the Dark Brotherhood quest line. Then, purchase the torture chamber. The mobs in there don’t attack back, and have a ton of life. So just pull out your one-hander, two-hander, or bow and beat the crap out of them. Then once they’re low health, pull out your heal other spell and heal them up to full. Two birds with one stone!

  31. Quick Heavy Armour Boosting.

    The block level boosting technique can also be applied to levelling the Heavy Armour skill, if you have good enough armour (Daedric from getting 100 Smithing) then you can stand with the wolf attack you, your health should replenishing at the same rate of the damage you take, thus you will never get killed. Just stand still and level up!

  32. This works for me on PS3. When pick pocketing and stealing arrows,they stay in the NPCs inventory as long as you don’t leave that screen, allowing you to repeatedly steal the same arrows from them. Also, if you use the trigger button to “equip” the item straight out of their inventory, they are less likely to catch you then if you just press x. Find a guard, steal his arrows till you gain a couple of levels and then save the progress and pickpocket him again, this time I add the arrows back into his inventory and begin stealing them again. The more arrows you steal at a time the more XP gained, so just add more arrows as you get a higher skill level. Every now and then he will catch you, just reload. Another benefit of the glitch being with arrows: the don’t weigh anything. The heavier an item is the harder it is to steal, and you gain more experience for stealing larger numbers of things. So you can drop 50+ arrows into his inventory and gain a level every 1 to 2 presses of the button up to skill level 50.

  33. For all magic skills you can enchant a necklace/ring/armor/helmet so that the spells will require 0 magicka and you can just continually cast any spell that you have the magicka for.

    I went from 20 Illusion to 100 casting muffle in both hands in about 30 or 40 minutes.

  34. I thought I would mention this for those who don’t want to “cheat” with a rubber band or npc.
    You will run threw alot of caves ect. With ancient nords that will come to life. Before you trigger them sneak up to them and chop them while they are dead/sleeping to level sneak in beginning levels.
    And for smithing I found a cave with tons of iron ore. 40-50 ore out of it. Save yourself alot of cash and hit it up. Almost directly north of Whiterun just a tad west. Below snow line at top of last lake on the map. It has 4 or 5 poachers in it though. You can find a pick axe in there as well.

    1. If you guys want your heavy or light armor up you can go to that same wolf out side riverwood and let him hit you over and over again. You’ll need decent armor, food, and potions. Thats the best way i have found. I have dragon plate armor so he doesnt hurt me alot. So if you want to you can level up your smithing first if you want good armor.

  35. 100 pickpockting in 5 mins…
    Become thane of riften and but the house for 8000 gold go inside and pickpocket ur houscarl put gold into herand just take it right back out i used 800 because i had fortify pickpocket enchant and gained a level every time i took it back out. U never have to leave the pickpocket screen and if she catches you she wont call the gards just leave the house alternateing the door u use to leave and go back in and repeat the above process

  36. [UPDATE] How to Level Restoration and Alteration Fast

    The Equilibrium Spell lowers your Health and turns it into Magicka. So use Equilibrium in one hand and Restore Health in the other hand.

    How to get the Equilibrium Spell: You will obtain it in the College of Winterhold questline. In one of the last quests called The Staff of Magnus, you will find the spell inside Labyrinthinian.
    [i]Winterhold is located north-east of Whiterun[/i]

  37. Not sure if you got this before but this helps you with all skills A LOT.
    I already posted this but I’m not sure if it went through.

    CC: It did go through but that kinda thing just ruins the game so we decided not to post it, thanks anyway! 😀

  38. For some help with lockpicking, go to markarth – enter understone keep – enter the dwemer museum – unlock all showcases.
    This will not make you 100 but it will help you on the way!
    Regards Lufoo!
    P.S – any advice on alchemy leveling?

    1. For Alchemy training I just go to the Morthal apothecary (usually the person is not there) then steal everything and mix random stuff together. when you run out of stuff to steal just sleep for 24-48 hours and most of the time it respawns.

    2. in response to u alchemy question i did find an easyier way, go to all the alchamist shops and have about 30k gold, buy every ingrediant from every alchemy shop and then go to the alchemy room in your own house, i spoke with the bethesda rep (i work for a game store) and he said u earn extra xp in ur own home!! any questions on other skills add me on xbox live my name is fatalwinner

      1. I took 100 before I noticed the response about alchemy 🙂 But I always did in Breezeholm. I found out that the best way to level is to create expensive potions/poisons, they yield more XP.

    1. Yeah for alchemy enchant armor with fortify alchemy, and use falmer helm and a circlet (you can wear both, glitch) enchant those and rest of jewelry/etc. Then mix wheat and giants toe for TON of xp (giants toe is glitched. Gives way more than it should). Using this it’ll powerlevel way faster than anything else

  39. Not sure if it has been mentioned yet in the comments, but another easy way to level smithing is to make “Leather Bracers”. They only require 1 Leather, and 2 Leather Strips.

  40. The wolf to increase block is good while you have a low level block but it takes a lot of time to increase the skill to 100. If you have a sufficient level of block around 50 head to The white river watch (located just east of whiterun). There are two bandits outside of the cave guarding, one is an archer the other wealds a one handed hatchet. Kill the archer because he’s pretty much just annoying to have around. Lead the other one towards the chest keep him in front of you, put up your shield and watch your block increase much faster then by sitting in front of a wolf.

  41. ok so i have now found the location of ‘buying’ daedra hearts!!! (dont steal them or she will never replenish, i have found tht out the hard way lol) if you fast travel to riften (and for those who dont know riften is bottom left of the map) when u arive at riften walk slightly left and jump off the wooden walkway into the water, and right in frount of you is the alchimist shop, she sells daedra hearts for about 400 gold depending on your speech level, sometimes she has 1 sometimes she has 2 but takes 96 hrs to replenish them (4 waits) these are used to make daedra armour which is better than dragon armour when made legendary
    hope this helps

  42. You can level your Sneak skill right off the bat. Go into the keep with Hadvar and take a sword off the weapon rack. (Do not take the stuff out of the chest!) Now “Sneak mode” behind him and hit him in the back. It should level your Sneak rather quickly. Wait until his health is fully regenerated before you hit him again.
    You can also level your weapon and destruction skills by using this tactic.

  43. There is a way to fast level your one-handed and sneak skill.

    During the main questline you will get a quest where you need to kill a certain dovah friend of yours. He will be sitting on his rock waiting for you to speak to him. Speak to him, ask what you want to ask and he will explain why they want you to kill him. Now you’ll have to get behind him and sneak. He won’t notice you, and hitting him will not upset him and it seems that it doesn’t bother him at all. Continue hitting him in sneak for the x2 damage (I did this while my sneak was at 100 wearing ancient shrouded gloves, I dual wielded an one-handed blade and a dagger so I did x12 damage with my blade and x30 with my dagger)

    Don’t want to spoil a lot, so I don’t tell the name of the place you’ll have to travel, but later on in the main quest line it’s pretty clear where you’ll find this friend.

      1. I can’t stay unseen when hitting Shadowmere, so I don’t get the x12 and the x30 bonuses, that’s why I posted this one.
        Shadowmere is great for leveling destruction though.

  44. Infinite Money (For the skilled Pickpockets and Sneaks)
    Go to Windhelm and take up the Butcher quest, given to you by the guard at the crime scene in the Graveyard. When you go to the Butcher’s “house”, you will find a Strange Amulet in the stack of fliers. This can be sold to Calixto for a good sum of money. Pickpocket it from him. This can be resold over and over.

  45. i just leveled sneak from 20-100 in 15 or so minutes, just wedge your horse between a rock and a building (i did this outside whiterun)then just continually sneak attack it with a weak dagger, once its health gets low use healing hands on it and repeat. in the up 50 its a couple of hits per level, level 80 and up its around 10 hits per level so very very quick

  46. Ive found out that since equilimbrium doesn’t work for alteration. Just take the time to buy and mine all the iron ore and silver ore you can and use the Transmute ore spell to turn it into gold ore it may take awhile 2 or 3 hours but it’s also a great way to make money. Buy iron and sell gold you do the math even if you smelt the gold into ingots.

  47. to do block simply put some good armour on with a shield on and find two mudcrabs, kill the first then hold down block with a rubber band, at higher armour levels their damage is minimal, so do something else whilst it boosts up, they attack as quick as your character blocks and boosts your block up pretty quick, gone from 28-70 in around 5-10 mins with little chance of death

  48. I did a bit of smithing with iron, but once I had a follower and had smashed up a Dwemer ruin I would go in and strip the place for Dwemer struts and plates and so-forth to melt down for Dwemer ingots. This winds up being much more profitable than buying, crafting, and re-selling iron. I averaged well over 200 Dwemer ingots per trip with Lydia hauling them too (she is sworn to carry my burdens), especially when I have given her the fortify carry weight armor to do it with. The struts and plates are free after the initial dungeon crawl, the returns are much better too… and then you enchant it for extra profit.

  49. Anyone who wants to learn lock-picking should join the Thieves Guild. The ability to cheaply purchase lockpicks is essential. Picking pockets is a great way to find lockpicks… everyone seems to have one.

    Far and away the promised land of training sneak and lockpicking simultaneously is Calcemo’s Dwemer Museum in Markath. There are loads of locked display cases and they are patrolled by guards. The guards don’t care if you fail your sneak. They won’t like you opening the cases though so be hidden before you make a lockpick attempt however; minor fines may apply. There are a couple of practice chests in the Ratway Cistern training room, but not nearly as many as are in Calcemo’s Museum.

  50. Leveling Conjuration ? Spam cast Soul trap on your horse.

    leveling Alteration ? Transmuting iron into gold is good, but once you can cast paralyzation, get yourself some mana regeneration gear and do what I did…

    Go to Whiterun and sit at the top of the Dragonreach steps. Guards don’t think that paralyze constitutes an attack. I made them fall down the stairs and, with a bit of extra skill, into the water… over and over again. It’s DIY failblog, and you get revenge for all those snide “let me guess…someone stole your sweetroll” comments the bastards make. My record is 4 guards simultaneously in the water, I’m sure someone can top it though.

  51. For alteration just use the telekinesis spell over and over. i find any random item and just keep tossing it with the spell then bringing it back. Levels it really fast. i wont give you false time frames like 5-10 mins but within an hour your get it up to 100. Also helps if you have enchanting at 100 and can cast alteration for free.

  52. One very easy way to level up sneak is to go to High Hrothgar and enter. As soon as you are inside, search for one of the graybeards, preferably while they are praying. Equip your best dagger and sneak armor and go into sneak mode. Then just lay waste and save every once in a while so if they notice you, you won’t have to start all over. Got to 100 in 20 minutes.

  53. Conjuration-kill a random animal then repeatedly cast soul trap and wait an hour when you run out of magicka. 100 in 30 min

    Destruction-Shoot Shadowmere with a spell like firebolt until his health is really low and then wait and restart.

  54. i just got Conjuration up to 100 in about an hour while reading all these useing soul trap..
    on the torture victims in the dawnstar sanctuary after completing the Dark Brotherhood questline and upgrading the sanctuary

    1. this can also be used to level any combat combined with restoration.. simply attack the victim then once they get low on health heal them back up!

  55. A good way to get pickpocketing to 100 is to pickpocket Sibbi Black-Briar. He is found inside the Riften jail and, even after he catches you, you are still able to pickpocket from him. He will also not report it to the guards, allowing you to try an infinite number of times without any repercussions. (Confirmed on the Xbox 360, untested on other consoles.)

  56. Slight spoiler……

    For quick lock picking do the thieves guild quest line until you get the skeleton lockpick(unbreakable). Don’t do the quest, go find a locked chest, put the pick in a position where you know it won’t unlock and hold the joystick to attempt to unlock while your lockpick gains.

  57. Found a nice way of making a lot of money (Better if you have 100 smithing and speech, but I think you only need 80 for both with the haggling perk and ebony smithing perk). Buy or gain 6 ebony ignots, (even buying should make roughly 1000 gold a piece), then make ebony warhammers (5 ebony ignots) then go to the grindstone and upgrade it. With the perks, you should be able to make a quite nice amour of profit. Hope this helps :). Also, to help lockpocking, get the persuasion perks from speech as it makes it a lot easier to rob the arrows as when your caught, you can talk him out of fining you 🙂

  58. All these wolf things for block seem too slow. What i did was i had completed all of the Civil War Quests. After you do this there are Imperial/Stormcloak Camps (depending on what side you chose) that pop up on the map. If you go to one and kill all the soldiers there is a captain soldier who wont die. He just goes into kneel down state. With a good shield you can walk into a tent and hold up your shield. He attacks extremely fast, hitting you with his sword at least 8 times per 3 seconds. Fast block leveling.

  59. Shadowmere the horse you get from the Boss of The Dark Brotherhood regenerates it’s health so fast that you can stand there all day attacking it with whatever you like.This of course makes leveling up a lot of skills very easy 🙂

    1. Not really anything you like, I have an awesome crafted 1H sword and would have killed him in 4 hits. Just buy an iron dagger/greatsword to lvl 1H/2H

  60. For block, light, and heavy armor, go to any giant and bug him until he chases you. Make sure the difficultly is set to novice but he should still beat the crap out of you. Blocking will raise the skill very quickly. Same goes for heavy and light but without blocking. When health is low cast heal and run in circles. Then either drink potions or wait for magic to refill.

  61. Here’s a good one. If you have the Raise Zombie spell, you can cast it on downed enemies and then stealth attack them for a quick jump in Sneak, Conjuration, and whatever type of attack you’re using.

  62. try having your bound weapon where it can trap souls. then soul trap by using dead body glitch, in theory it should level up conjuration faster. in theory

    An easy way to get your destruction skill up is to go to Winterhold and join the Mages College, then during the ‘Under Saarthal’ quest at the point where the first draugr show up, simply attack Tolfdir (Your teacher) with any destruction or alteration spell(This can be done at almost any level, simply use firebolt for Destruction and Courage for Illusion), he won’t fight back as long as the draugr are alive, he won’t retreat so long as you continue to use Courage and depending on your level, the draugr can’t do very much.

    ^You can do this in some other points in the game, such as the Companions questline whenever someone is following you. But this is the way i know works.

    1. A better way for destruction i only if you haven’t started the companions quest is to use magic on the guy you have to fight outside as he takes no damage from it but it still increases . Some say that doing this will glitch your game and stop you doing the quests but to fix it you just need to hit him after youve done then do something else for a while then come back

  64. fast way to level archery and gain soul gems is level up conjuration for bound bow and cast soultrap. then go spelunking in draugr caves for copious amounts of petty souls.

  65. Conjuration

    Find a NPC kill it. Keep using soul trap on the dead body. When magic runs low just wait an hour. Keep doing this it will level you up fast.

  66. ok so this is a way to get infinite money faster then the way shown ok u get married to someone then they will give u the optin to say has the store made any money? u just fast foward days an it starts building up

  67. Why do you guys even boost anyway, I mean the glitch with skeletal lockpick, ya I have it, but i dont need an upgrade on that perk anymore cause its unbreakable. Also just follow main or side quests and as you go along you will level up, enchant and disenchant things as you go along and your person will be who you want him to be. Plus going on quests gives you sweet things like blade of woe, dawnbreaker, dragonrend, command daedra (spell), trollbane, Staff of Magnus, shadowmere, Azura’s Star, Moroklei (Mask that regenerates Magicka 100% faster), and much, much more.

  68. Hey guys, again if you do that smithing boost with iron daggers, it is not as effective as you think. If you create a Daedric Mace, compared to an iron dagger, the daedric mace will give you way much more experience in smithing.
    Also to make a weapon you create have more damage you need to do a couple of things
    1.Get all smithing perks. By doing this you will be able to upgrade your weapon at a grindstone to legendary.
    2. Make your one handed or two handed skill points high. Lets say I use a swords (one handed). If I had a 70 in one handed compared to a 30, that sword will have alot more damage.
    3. Before making the actual weapon go buy a poition that makes created things at a forge 20% or 40% or higher better. Then right before you make your weapons, drink it and immediately start making it.

    This is how I made a mace have like 60 damage (120 actually because dual weild). and a bow that has 51 damage (Increase archery to make more damage on bow.

  69. More helpful nonboosting tips.
    If you read my last one on how to make a powerful weapon, well I can add on to that.
    If you have an extra pair of light armor or clothes (armor, gloves, boots, helmet, necklace and ring) go to an arcane enchanter. Then follow these steps
    1.Get some grand soul gems or higher.
    2.If you don’t have an enchantment that increases smithing, then go find an item like that and disenchant it
    3.(optional)Then go get an item and/or potion that increases enchanting
    4.drink or wear that item and/or potion. Then enchant that set of clothes/armor all to increase smithing.
    5. Put those clothes on before you do my smithing steps on my previous update.

    After you make a phenomenal weapon follow thses steps to make it even better.
    1.Grand Get soul gems and items and potions to increase enchanting.
    2. Wear those items and drink that potion
    3. Immediately start enchanting your item with an enchantment of your choise. Unless you have Arcane Smithing perk, make sure you upgraded your weapon first!

    I prefer enchantments:
    1. Fire damage
    2. Absorb Health
    3. Absorb Stamina
    4. Frost Damage

    I will post if I got any more helpful hints. Respond with questions and I will answer them or figure them out. Thanks!

  70. Hey again with more helpful hints. The best armor.
    Now if you wanna create your armor go ahead, do all the steps I did with weapons and create daedric armor (More powerful then dragon). Enchant them with One or two enchantments (depending on your level). I prefer, if doing one enchantment each, do resist magick,if you can on the sheild (optional) and boots. With the gauntlets I put increase one handed and for the armor and helmet I increased health on both. For people that can use two enchantments, you can have fun with combining your enchantments.

  71. This tip is for all swordsmen and/or archers. This is how to get great skills without leveling up.
    If you want to become a great fighter (nonmage) just get the following pieces of armor

    Hat/Head: Ancient shrouded Cowl (35% more damage with bows)
    Armor: Nightingale armor (40 points more stamina and 50% resistance to frost) or ‘replaced’ theives guild armor (While doing theives guil quests you will eventually get the choice to trade in one of youre four theives guild armor peices. Do the armor peice)
    Gloves: Nightingale gloves (25% more damage with one handed attacks and 25% easier to pick lockpicks)
    Boots: Shrouded Boots (Makes movement quieter)

  72. For mages
    Helmet:Moroklie(Get through killing a ‘boss’ in a quest for college of winterhold)
    Armor:arch-mages clothes (Get through college of winterhold quests
    Gloves:IDK, enchant to increase magicka
    Boots:IDK, enchant to resist shock or magicka

  73. For conjuration a good way to level you
    1) Obtain “Soul Trap” from almost any magic vendor
    2) Kill any animal (I used a wolf)
    3) Cast Soul Trap repeditivly
    4) When out of magicka wait an hour and continue
    When you get a high enough level I suggest getting the perk that allows you to cast adept spells for half magicka. This will make your life a whole lot easier.

  74. For quick block leveling make vegetable soup. Then find a single enemy, eat the soup and bash away at him. This will keep him in a constant state of stagger. Be sure not to have the Deadly Bash perk as it will kill enemies way to fast for efficient leveling. The soups stamina regen allows you to constantly bash for the entire duration of the soup.

  75. Level Alteration after you grab Telekinesis. Enchant gear so that Alteration costs 0, tape down the L+R buttons and get 100 in about 10 minutes.

    To level Restoration AND Light/Heavy armor at the same time, go to the Crabber’s Shanty, find a mud crab (They hit you faster than any other enemy in the game). Crank the difficulty up to adept or expert depending on your armor rating with the 100% cost reduction gear on. Dualcast Restoration with L+R taped down and come back in a few hours.

    You can train destruction and restoration this way as well if your enchanting is 100 by reducing both destruction and restoration cost by 100%. Put healing hands and flames on each separate hand, then tape them down pointing at some weak enemy, mud crab, wolf, etc… You will want it on apprentice difficulty for this.

    Also, the Skeleton Key doesn’t give you experience on the console for putting it in the wrong position and taping holding it down.


    Using a heal all day takes forever. Find a Draugr and cast Turn Lesser Undead repeatedly. It’s best if you can find an area he can’t run/path to, they get wedged in doors and that helps a lot. Turn Lesser Undead = 5-10 casts per level, depending on your skill. Far faster than healing.

  77. okay this is a way to level smithing and make money.this vid will tell you where to find the spell needed . the key to doing it is buying as much iron ore as you can (1-4 gold depending on speach skill) and using transmute ore to turn it into gold ore. make gold rings and sell them when you run out of cash. hope this helps! 🙂

    1. Enchant the Rings with petty gems and sneak or Pick Pocket… then the rings will sell for more than 100 gp.

      If you make gold ingots, they’re valued at 100, but sell for less. Enchant the Rings with Petty gems

      You also get a lot of expensive gear to carry with very little weight, that you can convert to gold whenever a vendor has excess cash…

      This raises all the following fast:
      Alteration: Transmute.
      Smithing: Forging Gold Rings
      Enchanting: Use Petty stones to make rings Sneak or PP.
      (And light weight ready to sell cash).

  78. If you buy your horse, or acquire Frost as part of a quest, you can use the horse to level destruction and restoration. Put on items that regenerate magicka beforehand. Anything that increases the magicka pool itself is also helpful. Simply equip flames or frostbolt in one hand, and Healing Hands in the other. Then, fry or freeze your horse until it is low in health. Pull the trigger for the other hand to heal the horse back up to full strength. Wait a few seconds for magicka to regenerate. Wash, rinse, repeat.

    1. if you want destruction levels and you have a horse, equip soul trap and keep casting it on the horse. It does not harm the horse so there is no down time.

    2. Another thing I found. Might be a glitch, but it seems NCP vampires don’t drain their magica when they use their life drain spell. I found a lone vampire, stayed far enough away that she wouldn’t attack me with her sword and used flames/frostbite on her and healing on myself. It was working pretty well, but I got too bored to see if it would last forever. I didn’t try sparks because I was afraid it might drain her magica.

  79. Ok, you know how when you get to high levels you wish you did or didnt do something. Well i was a level 41 when the game didnt allow me to persuade ulfric stormcloack into a treaty. So I i made a new game. That helped me alot so i can learn from my mistakes and so that i know now what to level up and get as a perk and what side quests to do. My guy is already brilliant!

  80. The following below is a number of hints tips and tricks for anyone to use.

    1. when your out of the helgen keep, immediatly stock up on food and potions, and when you have enough of both to heal you at least 5 times then fast travel or use the horse and buggy and travel to mortal. Upon first arrival you should come up on a small town meeting, wait for to end and talk to a character named “Benor” and he will say he is the best warrior in town. Challenge him, and after you beat him you have a follower with an extremely high item capacity. it helps tons level 1-30+.

    2.for this next tip, its for low levels and it specially helps with better speech perks used.
    all you need is the transmute spell, can be easiest found in Halted Stream Mine in my experience.
    you get the transmute spell, and go to merchants and smith stores and buy iron ore and use transmute spell on it and re-sell the gold ore.

    3rd tip is you can level yourself within the helgen keep without doing the actual quest for it.
    when you first enter the helgen keep, let ralof un-bind you and then you have to a find a way out, when you go to the door where the imperials come and unlock the door you actually go through, kill the lady (one with door key) and take it and go to the other door BUT DONT UNLOCK IT, just wait at the door and ralof should come over to it and wait for you to unlock the door, go into sneak mode, use an iron dagger or flames spell and level away!! 🙂

    hope those two helped. ill be puttin more up soon

    1. ALSO ONE LAST THING. DON’T USE MORE THEN 1 POINT ON THE FIRST SNEAK SKILL PERK. all you need to do is make sure its 1/5 on sneak and speech, kuz it gives an intiaal 10% boost and 5% boost after that, well that 5% isnt worth it when u can enchant armor to help, and play on a few chars and feel out what perks are best to use and what are best to save on. 🙂

  81. Another way to level heavy armor and block at the same time…. go to dawnstar or winterhold and walk to the icefields find horkers they usually come in groups of 3 walk up to them and make them your bitch ha ha ha they will hit from back and fourth so its both skills boom just like that

  82. If doing the eye of magnus and the fireballs from the stones are killing you its kinda of a long walk but leave and get potions and ward spells to add to the STEADFAST WARD or just use a fireball on the stones your choice lol

    1. Man that part pissed me off. I just made my way down that hallway ducking to the side where I could, and eventually I made it and grabbed the damn soul gem.

    2. I found you can also shoot the stones with arrows and knock them off their perch then they will stop firing fireball/icespikes/lightning.

  83. What is the easiest way to get/make/have an over powering weapon? Well first you need 100 smithing, 100 enchanting, and 100 one handed, with all or most of the perks that are in those categories. Just make a daedricc weapon, upgrade it, go to an arcane enchanter, put two enchantments on it, preferebly a frost and storm enchantment, use a grand or black soul gem and you should have a weapon that has well over 300 damage plus the enchantment damages health, stamina, and magicka.

    1. MUST READ!!

      I just found out a way to lvl up one hand, two hand, sneak, and archery quick.
      1.. Summon an atronach (Frost recommended for high hp)
      2. Attack it. Sneak attack to lvl up sneak, and use corresponding weapons for skills. Using a good bow it takes me 3 hits to lvl archery in 30s range. If ur a Mage just use bound weapons.
      Hope this helps!

  84. For smithing:
    Purchase tons of leather, pelts, and leather strips (or just hunt them — but buying is faster) and craft Leather Bracers (2 strips + 1 leather each). WAY cheaper than iron daggers and easier to harvest the raw materials. I went from 80 to 100 in ~30-45 mins.

    For enchanting:
    Unfortunately this is rate limited by how many soul gems you have, but you can fill them very quickly if you are doing an archer build. Put Soul Trap on a bow and scale down the slider when enchanting it to make it “dies within 1 second”. This maximizes the number of charges (puts it in the THOUSANDS) so that yo udon’t have to recharge.

    Then go hunting. If you are sneak attacking enemies (focus on animals and monsters, falmer count as monsters — humans require black soul gems) and have a decent bow attack rating (70+) you should be able to kill most times in one shot. Fill up all your soul gems, then buy up cheap garments — clothing, the leather bracers you’re crafting from smithing, etc. — and just throw the most expensive enchantments you can on them; but use your crappy soul gems first.

    For Lockpicking:
    Keep well stocked on picks (99+) and pick EVERY LOCK YOU SEE, even if you don’t care what’s on the other side. No matter how many times you fail at attempting, keep going. You earn XP for failures.

  85. To level archery fast I like to shoot mammoths and giants. For example lure the ones near whiterun tower to the tower. The mammoths can’t make it up the ramp and keep trying and the giants will keep trying to get threw the tower door.

    1. i have found that if you have a lot of lockpicks and go find a master lock and make sure it wont open on the starting postion and just continually break the lockpicks

  86. for any one that needs soul gems there is a secret chest in dawnstar that has alot of soul gems and if you have soul trap there are some times 4 or 5 empty grand and greater soul gems i have 22 grand soul gems filled with grand souls and 24 greater soul gems filled with greater souls there are also a lot of petty and common and to reset the chest with new things go to the khajit trader and buy some lockpicks then wait 48 hours and there will be more money lockpicks soulgems armor weapons and potions you have to buy something from the trader in order to reset the chest this is a vid of where it is be warned this guy is weird.
    if your doing the soultrap thing with dead bodies i got a robe that regens my magika 125 percent faster and destruction spells cost 20 percent less to cast hope this helps
    P.S. this a really fast way to make money

    1. Hey here is a way to be really like a god. Some may say make a helmet/mask enchant it upgrade it. Well no don’t. go to high hrofgar ask arngeir where to find some more shouts. Go there. Get to the wall where the word is at. Sometimes this is gaurded by a very powerful slow shooting creature. These things are called dragon priests. If you kill them they have these insanely powerful masks. One helps you carry stuff and breathe underwater. One helps regenarate magicka 100% faster. There are 8 of them. Well 9 if the rumor is true. If you get all 8 there is a ninth one in the labryinth.

  87. “Level Destruction, Conjuration, Light Armor & Restoration in one attempt”. The process is ultimately boring, i fell asleep countless times(prolly the reason it took me a while) but its actually easy and worth your while since you leveled 4 skills in 1 process… Enchant light armor items(Hide preferably, cheap) with destruction, fortify magicka & magicka regen & equip them. Choose an enclosed place; a prison cell, a room or small cave( i used “silent tree camp”).Set game difficulty to maximum(Master preferably). Summon “conjure familiar” then bombard them with destruction spells, obviously the familiar will “retaliate” (thus Light Armor will level since you equip them) & gradually your health will wore down due to repeated attacks, Restoration skill will be of use to you then… All in all, I’m true to my words – level 4 skills in 1 process, but don’t say I didn’t warned you “this almost bored me to death” but nah, for me its worth it… i hope it’s worthy enough for y’all!!!

  88. What the hell. Go and enjoy the game in a proper way. If you can’t, search for console commands. Well, unless you actually enjoy the leveling itself, like in most brilliant mmorpg’s of past few decades;
    kill, buy, kill, sell, pvp for internity

  89. What the hell. Go and enjoy the game in a proper way. If you can’t, search for console commands. Well, unless you actually enjoy the leveling itself, like in most brilliant mmorpg’s of past few decades;
    kill, buy, kill, sell, pvp for eternity

  90. Not sure if its already been posted but ifyou stand next to the magic focal points in thecollege of winterhold it regenerates your magic faster than you can waste it which has let me level up most of my magic skils to 50 and in like 25mins dual weiling magic

  91. if u want to rank up one handed or two handed or archery very quickly here is what you do. 1st u go and do all the companions main quests so u can have any of the companions as a partner.Ask any of them who can train you to join u then let them train you and when your gold has finished go and trade items and take back your gold. I did this and in a couple of hours i reached lvl 75 in archery and 90 in 2 handed. i was lvl 30 in archery and 32 in 2 handed

    1. if youre a good enough thief, you can just pickpocket your gold back. dont need to have them as a companion.

  92. FOR FAST LEVELING IN RESTORATION******* First,get equilibrium&healing.use both at the same time,after a while you level kinda slow 🙁 at 46 it takes about 2 mins to level hopw this helps

  93. UNLIMITED DEADRIC ARROWS**** go to the theives guild,there should be somebody shooting arrows.pickpocket them,take there current arrows,and give them 1 deadric arrow.they will keep shooting it.about 100 deadric arrows every 5 mins (3 sec per arrow)

  94. to level up destruction magic stand on the things jus inside the top of a staircase. Untouchable eexcept by mage.

  95. easy smithing

    go to whiterun and buy the house there (can get for free if you agree to buy the house place all money in dresser and take key, dont forget to collect money after convo)

    get married and move into the house in whiterun (next door to warmaidens)

    keep smithing iron daggers or leather bracs.
    but only buy the iron from one of the shop keepers (lil longer but worth it) i started with 2000 coin, spent all the coin then smithed and sold all daggers and bracs back to shop.

    as your buying from one seller rules apply of 2 days restock (each day = 100coin from your spous) after all coin has gone go to your home and speak to spous and collect money (10 days takes to spend 2k means spous has 1k for you and you make over 1k selling items back to shop) rinse and repeat takes awhile but it worked for me while increasing money slowly aswell

    hope it helps everyone else if not already mentioned

    1. I actually found an easier way. You know all that iron ore? Transmute it to silver then to gold, then smith gold rings! 2 per ingot. yeah it takes awhile, but you will get alot more money, and it also ups your alteration skill! and you will also need the transmute ore tomw. you get it from a bandits riddled cave, a mine really. the jarl puts out a bounty on the bandit leader.

  96. for leveling up smithing… Go to Whiterun, as soon as you enter the gates, turn right, go through the door thing that rounds to a room with a barrel. Jump on the barrel and try to jump over the wall that it farthest away from the side of the barrel. If you jump it right you will make it out of Whiterun while still being in whiterun. It tends to work better if you jump to the right of the wall then repeatedly pressing the jump button and moving towards the left, if it doesn’t work, wait three hours and try again. Once you are out, follow the wall to where you can see the rocks of the Skyforge (you will notice parts where there is invisible floors that you can walk on and a ton of glitches when outside) once you get to the rocks head to where the invisble floor is at the base of the rock, head toward the forge, go up one boulder, and you should be able to walk right through a rock that is against the wall. Go into the rock, and you will see a chest floating in nothingness, look inside, grab what you want, (you aren’t stealing) and grab all the iron ingots, gold, leather, and leather strips inside. Then walk on the nothingness toward where the stairs are that lead to Jarvasker, you can walk through them, then head to the forge by Whiteruns gate, wait till the girl there comes out and buy her iron ingots and leather and leather strips use the forge to make daggers, and leather braces and leather helmets, then sell them to the owner of the store. (If you go inside the shop there should be a guy that can sell you more ingots and such) Then repeat the process. 🙂 I level upped my BLOCKING by attacking someone at Riverwood, run out of the town by the road, and let two or three follow, then pin yourself against some rocks, pull out your shield, and block their blows, this is also a good way to level up your restoration, and heavy or light amour, just as soon as your health runs low, use healing to restore yourself, or let them attack you without blocking while restoring yourself with the healing spell. As soon as your blocking and armour level is high enough to where there attacks that will only hurt you a tad. Get a rubberband to hold down the block button and check on your health bar from time to time. BLOCKING level 100 is worth going through this hassle. Goodbye and good luck….. FUS RO DUH!!!!!!!!!

    1. An easier way to get through the wall rather than jumping over it is to use a platter and place it up against the wall bottom of the platter facing you then run through it. It is easy to get platters from Dragons Reach.

    2. An easier way to get through the wall rather than jumping over it is to use a platter and place it up against the wall bottom of the platter facing you then run through it. It is easy to get platters from Dragons Reach.

    3. What do you mean repeat the process? i went back and the leather leather stripsiron and gold were still gone

    4. What do you mean repeat the process? i went back and the leather leather stripsiron and gold were still gone

  97. For block go to whiterun and get as many guards after you as possible. Then go to the storage room beside of the entrance to whiterun (the one with the barrel). Go to the first corner on the left and proceed to block everyones hits. No one can get far enough away to use a bow and about six guards fit in the room and they all can reach you with their swords. This levels block very quickly.

  98. Ok. This isn’t about leveling up but if you have it you really won’t need too.If you have Ebony Mail, Ebony Blade, Mace of Malog Bor, the Wabbajack, the danguine rose, the gaulder amulet, Dawnbreaker, and Spellbreaker you are living the dream. Write I am Legend if you have all these items.
    I am Legend. (6 of those are Daedric Artifacts)

    1. Erm, I have these plus the other 9 plus crafted sets of daedric, dragonscale and dragonbone armours and weapons fully upgraded (legendary) full enchanted (health, stamina soul drain frost and fire damage) with 038.51.02 playing time… what do i write ? :S

      1. Here is some other things. Find all 8 dragon priest masks (go to arngeri and ask have you located any words of power yet, sometimes the wall will be guarded by the dragon priest). Also work on magic unless you have already done so.
        Buy all the houses in skyrim, search blackreach again (the place where you got the elder scroll, in aftsuld ruins or something like that) and you will find some valuable stuff (If you are an alchemist which I am not, do the crimson ninroot quest down there).
        Figure out the murder case in Windhelm and solve the nightmares in Dawnstar. Become a thane in as many cities as you can.
        Last thing you can do if you have completed everything else is to literally walk around skyrim destroying and/or taking and/or hiding any thing that crosses your path.
        If you have done the civil war, after that are you done with the stormcloacks(thats me)/imperials(lame jk) if you have talked to General Tullius or Ulfric Stormcloack they say we must be ready to fight the elves. Does that actually happen? Another war? If so how do you ‘start’ that war.
        Hope this helped and please respond on answer with question above

        1. I think that the war with the elves will be in TES6 whih will be Summerset Isles (The Thalmor homeland) Unfortunately we won’t know anything about it until at least 2015 and the game should be set to release in 2016 D:

  99. “It’s hard to find soul gems.” I have like 900 soul gems and I’m a level 14! I just rob shops and houses for them all the time! I’m a noob, a Mammoth would destroy me let alone a Giant!

      1. Learn the soul trap spell and use it on a normal weapon and go to town in bandit lairs and wolfs. Or you can visit a dwarven ruin and collect many gems most filled.

  100. making steel arrows is the best way to make money and level your smithing, iron daggers are a waste time and get you shit gold. i made 10k in like 30 minutes just off arrows. now im making dwarven arrow and its just making me MORE gold. 😉

  101. I find that the best way to level your archery is to just quick fire at shadowmere because of his quick health regain and he doesn’t fight back. Takes about 2 hours to get to 100.

  102. Another good one is that there is a homelessgirl in windhelm that trains you in pickpocketing, afrer paying her take the gold back by pick poketing, and if your caught, I don’t even think you will get attacked but the girl will run away so be sure to save . It’s usually about 90% chance to take the gold back anyways

  103. Honestly I’ve played the game on the PC and I cheated by using the command prompt XD BUT you can’t do that on the 360 (sadly haha) Although I did use a lot of experience gained from PC gameplay to make my 360 gameplay even better. Leveling up is “needed” to breeze through the game but I like to think a lot of it is made easier the more destinations you unlock and when you become aware of the lay of the land =) I’ve been playing for about 4 days now on and off on the 360 and I’m a level 21 High Elf – its going good so far. ALSO if you complete all of the companions tasks you are able to level up through them. Keep in mind the gold is pricy at that point because they are MASTER level. Unless you are married to one of them. I’m married to Farkas and his training is cheap! In heavy Armor !

  104. Hello to all of you who didn’t think this!
    i accedently delted my file on xbox so now i am grinding hadvar right where you kill the bear the bear dosent care and it gets almost all combat skills up along with sneak
    btw when he gets back up during that motion hit him it will instantly restor his health. by doing this i am a lvl 25 and i have high skills and surpassed some befor that took me weeks to get there

  105. ok for conjuration simply buy a soul trap spell from the whiterun wizard guy. go somewhere and kill someone. preferably find a random bandit out in the wild. then just cast soul trap on the corpse. lvl 10 conjuration to lvl 90 conjuration in 45 minutes. an alternative to this method would be using bound weapons and just hacking away at everything that moves. everytime you conjure the weapon and everytime you deal damage with it your conjuration increases…although the damage output is shit and with conjuration the more damage you do with the weapon the more exp you get.

    for enchanting create (or find) a weapon with soul trap. get azura’s start or the black star (whichever you prefer) and go into nordic ruins. everytime you kill something stop and use the star to recharge your weapon.

  106. The easiest way to level up Conjuration is this:
    Find a Mamoth. Conjure Storm Atronach, and cast over and over again soul trap on the mamoth. Recast Storm Atronach when he dies. At least 3-10 levels per mamoth

    1. Best way to get grand souls easy is to go to Morthal and see Falion (the redguard mage) Buy Black soul gems (empty) then head to the nearest bandit cave and kill the bandits with a soul trap weapon. Since ANY human soul is grand, you can fill up all the black soul gems with easy to kill bandits. Enchanting items with grand souls levels up enchanting faster.

  107. hey guys! with the latest candlhearth expansion it’s rather hard to level up smithing. here’s how.
    find as many gold ingots and silver ingots as you can. this includes bringing a pick axe on all adventures and mining places. once you have enough, go to the smithy and make a bunch of jewelry, with or without jewels in them.
    or if you’re lazy, do the alchemy loop and make a smithing enchantment. then just go upgrade something by -13759081234958 etc. and it jumps to 100 pretty fast.


    also I’m still stuck trying restoration..

  108. an easier way for sneak is right in the beginning before you escape helgan and starting you adventure. When you first come to the bear where the person tells you that you can either sneak by it or attack it with the bow and arrows he gives you.. just find a wll while in sneak mode next to the bear (but still far enough not to wake him up) just tape the analog stick up and make your character run at the wall, i havent even started my adventure yet and i already have 100 in sneak and at around lvl 17

  109. Smithing: if your a girl marry the smithy from riften and have him move to your house in whiterun that way u have 3 dif smithys to buy supply’s from and to sell too oh FYI leather helmets are better to make and u make more money from selling plus u can enchant with a fortify

  110. Smithing: if your a girl marry the smithy from riften and have him move to your house in whiterun that way u have 3 dif smithys to buy supply’s from and to sell too oh FYI leather helmets are better to make and u make more money from selling plus u can enchant with a fortify

  111. To easily level restoration and one handed: if you have unlocked the torture chamber in the Dawnstar sanctuary, wail on the torture victims with a low level 1 handed weapon and restore their health with a healing spell. They can’t fight back or get angry

  112. To easily level restoration and one handed: if you have unlocked the torture chamber in the Dawnstar sanctuary, wail on the torture victims with a low level 1 handed weapon and restore their health with a healing spell. They can’t fight back or get angry

  113. I just got the Skeleton Key but it doesn’t increase the skill level like the leveling guide suggests (probably some update fixed that). Oh well, I can just keep it to pick harder locks since I haven’t activated any lockpick perks.

  114. I just got the Skeleton Key but it doesn’t increase the skill level like the leveling guide suggests (probably some update fixed that). Oh well, I can just keep it to pick harder locks since I haven’t activated any lockpick perks.

  115. Use the restoration potion glitch and you can level enchanting, alchemy, and speech in minutes (possibly smithing too):

    1- make a full set of alchemy %+ and smithing %+ armor (any kind will do, you only need the skill up enchantments)

    2- create a fortify restoration potion while wearing said armor

    3- drink potion and unequip then reequip the armor

    4- repeat steps 1 and 2 until you are creating potions that are worth 1,000,000+

    5- make any potion now, it will be worth millions (keep making your alchemy skill legendary so you can rack up skill perk points)

    1. Sell these potions to level speech (even if a vendor has no money your skill lvl will go up)

      Make fortify enchanting potions this way and enchant stuff to max out enchanting

      Make fortify smithing potions and improve armor and weapons to max out smithing.

      Overall it’s a great way to get easy character levels and perk points in the legendary patch

  116. Use the restoration potion glitch and you can level enchanting, alchemy, and speech in minutes (possibly smithing too):

    1- make a full set of alchemy %+ and smithing %+ armor (any kind will do, you only need the skill up enchantments)

    2- create a fortify restoration potion while wearing said armor

    3- drink potion and unequip then reequip the armor

    4- repeat steps 1 and 2 until you are creating potions that are worth 1,000,000+

    5- make any potion now, it will be worth millions (keep making your alchemy skill legendary so you can rack up skill perk points)

    1. Sell these potions to level speech (even if a vendor has no money your skill lvl will go up)

      Make fortify enchanting potions this way and enchant stuff to max out enchanting

      Make fortify smithing potions and improve armor and weapons to max out smithing.

      Overall it’s a great way to get easy character levels and perk points in the legendary patch

  117. For smithing I would recommend the “transmune” spell that transform iron to gold and silver. If you have a lot of jewels you can smith a lot of expensive jewelry wich increase your smithing skill very fast. Maybe 2-3 items for every level att lvl 70-80 if I remember correct. And you can earn a lot of money in the process.

  118. For smithing I would recommend the “transmune” spell that transform iron to gold and silver. If you have a lot of jewels you can smith a lot of expensive jewelry wich increase your smithing skill very fast. Maybe 2-3 items for every level att lvl 70-80 if I remember correct. And you can earn a lot of money in the process.

  119. one handed and resto: go to the guardian stones and activate warrior. summon flame atronach and hack away at it with an iron dagger (daggers – faster swings – more hits – faster progress). when that atronach dies, summon again and repeat. when your health gets low, activate the mage stone and heal yourself. then activate the warrior stone and do it over again.

  120. one handed and resto: go to the guardian stones and activate warrior. summon flame atronach and hack away at it with an iron dagger (daggers – faster swings – more hits – faster progress). when that atronach dies, summon again and repeat. when your health gets low, activate the mage stone and heal yourself. then activate the warrior stone and do it over again.

  121. One way to get your blocking skill up is to use a shield, and back your enemy against the wall, repeat hitting them with the shield until you have killed them.

  122. How to duplicate. This can help with getting up smithing and enchanting.
    +Go to the room just before the Ragged Flagon in Riftens Ratway where there is that large table and “lowlife” (with a follower)
    +tell the follower to wait where they are.
    +drop everything you want to duplicate individually. ie 17 gold ingots, drop 1 at a time.
    +quickly tell your follower to pick up everything you dropped.
    +Run down and enter the door to get into the ragged flagon
    +wait 3 seconds then run back in
    +pick up everything that is on the ground, go into your followers inventory and there should be a set in there.,
    +Repeat process
    (some things might not duplicate, and you might experience slight losses, eg 17 ingots, duplicates too 30 instead of 34)
    also do this with soul gems, enchant the gold rings you make out of the gold ingots and watch your enchanting rise steadily.

  123. Also, do the sneak leveling up exploit with hadvar at the start of the game until sneak lvl 100, then level up, legendary the skill, put one perk point into the very first sneak perk, then do it again. Repeat this process as maany times as you want. I got bored after a while, but i left Helgen at lvl 43

  124. Conjuration, go kill a random animal, cast soul trap on its dead body.
    Illusion, run around casting muffle.
    Destruction, shoot shadowmere with flames.
    Alteration, use telekinesis on any random object in a corner.
    Heavy armour + restoration, equip all heavy armour (with shield) and get into a fight with a giant, do not raise shield. Heal when almost dead
    Light armour + restoration, (same as heavy armour)
    Block, Go to the Stormcloak Camp at whiterun and kill everyone there. Get the Legate or lieutenant into the Archway that is standing there, The get in front of him, tape down the block button and go make a sandwich, come back a while later and hey presto, levels up.
    Two-handed, whack stuff
    One handed, Whack stuff
    Archery + conjuration, cast bound bow and just tap the shoot button at shadowmere.
    Lockpicking, unlock stuff
    Pickpocketing, go to markarth and target everyone there.
    Restoration and Alteration, Equilibrium and fast heal when health is low.
    Speech, sell stuff, bribe, persuade and intimidate.
    Alchemy, Giants toe, wheat and creep cluster.
    everything you need to know, done

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