
Latest Zelda Footage Shows Link Shooting Ice, Fire and Bomb Arrows

Latest Zelda Footage Shows Link Shooting Everything

Is anyone else losing their mind with onlsaught of coverage for The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild? Yeah another video check it out.

One of their latest attempts to destroy my sanity comes in the form of Link showin off, shooting ice, fire and bomb arrows against legitimately defenseless Bokoblins. Its not even fair at this point, not at all.

Originally teased on twitter @NintendoEurope, the video shows off Link making mince meat out the bad guys with pinpoint precision. The controls look so friggin smooth I can’t even. I just can’t. Somebody put me out of my misery please.

Unfortunately we have to wait till March 2017 to play The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild but you can check out the latest video here or below. A Nintendo 3DS Direct was announced for tomorrow Thursday, Sept. 1 but obviously will not have any news regarding the Wii U and NX console exclusive. Look for more news here daily on all things Nintendo or Hyrule related.

Source: Twitter

JJ David

JJ got started in the gaming industry when he left Electrical Construction behind in 2014 to start his broadcast on Twitch. With a lifelong passion for the video game industry, his dream was to play and beat 100 Games in a Year, which he finished on October 29, 2015. His goal now is to be a professional Video Game Broadcast Journalist and is currently attending college to pursue a degree. His passion covers the entire industry so he shows enthusiasm whenever he can. Currently his specialties are writing news, making video game gifs and streaming on his Twitch page. Otherwise you can find JJ driving Uber in the Silicon Valley to pay for college. News/Previews/Reviews Twitch Twitter Facebook Imgur Youtube Discord Stay Connected, Stay informed. Catch up to me on any of the platforms above.

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