
Twitch Bought by Amazon for $970 Million


It was confirmed yesterday that online game streaming giant “Twitch” will be acquired by Amazon for almost $1 Billion ($970 million, to be exact). Despite claims of Twitch being acquired by Google for near the same amount, the CEO of Twitch said Amazon has jumped on the wagon instead.

In a letter from Twitch CEO Emmett Shear, he states, “We chose Amazon because they believe in our community, they share our values and long-term vision, and they want to help us get there faster. We’re keeping most everything the same: our office, our employees, our brand, and most importantly our independence. But with Amazon’s support we’ll have the resources to bring you an even better Twitch.”

While many people were skeptical at first, this could help Twitch grow larger than ever before. The only thing we can do as fans is wait until we have more info on how exactly this will change Twitch, if it changes at all.

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